Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning, Skills and Opportunity

XP Employer Launch Event

Thank you for joining the XP and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning, Skills and Opportunity employer launch event on 5 July 2022!

In case you missed our event or would like to review/share our works with others, please find below the welcome slides, delegate pack and presentation/speech slides.

Please get in touch to talk further about how we can support your business or organisation by clicking below.


Welcome Slides


Delegate Pack

Please click on the cover image or here to view or download.


Presentation / Speech Slides

Please click on the cover image or here to view or download.


Speech from Sophie Costello

Director and CEO, Costello Medical

Costello Medical is proud to be working with Region of Learning in the development of digital badges for some of our entry-level career opportunities. We are excited to connect with the talent pipeline in the local area and raise awareness of our career opportunities as we continue with our ambitious growth plans.

As an independently owned and managed company, we enjoy the freedom to invest our resources into the areas that matter to us most, and it has never been more important to invest in the future of the workforce.”
— Sophie Costello, Director and CEO, Costello Medical


The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning, Skills and Opportunity will only succeed if we all work together with the common goal of improving learning, skills and employment outcomes for people.

Join the growing number of organisations and businesses trailblazing a new and exciting way of working with XP and the Region of Learning, Skills and Opportunity!