
How can digital badges help you? 

Digital badges are for everyone, they enable you to create a skills portfolio to showcase your skills, not just qualifications, helping you to feel more confident to find the job you want and follow a career pathway. 

Digital badges can help you reach your goals in smaller steps, and enable you to tailor your skills to a chosen career, this can be done while you’re in work or with your chosen career path in mind, while you are in education. 

If you have special educational needs, digital badges can help you build a portfolio of skills and achievements that you can align with local employers.

If you’re returning to work, and you will be doing new, tailored learning,  digital badges can be a great way to evidence your new skills ready for the workplace, boost your confidence and help you make connections to employers locally. 

Digital badges can:

  • Help you evidence your skills directly to employers – helping you speak their language

  • Identify strengths and areas of improvement in your own skills. 

  • Help you find and apply for jobs and work opportunities 

  • Give you confidence that you have the right skills for the job and feel ready to talk about them

  • Provide motivation to further develop your skills to reach your goals


Digital Badge Platforms offer a range of services including searching for badges for skills developed and provide a verified record of an individual’s learning experiences.

They allow collected badges to be displayed and accessed online so employers and opportunity providers can easily verify their authenticity. 

Platforms like Navigatr and Open Badge Factory are widely used to manage digital credentials and provide a space for earners to evidence their achievements.

You can browse the wide range of digital badges already created for a variety of skills and learning providers offering them via platforms including Navigatr.  You can search by a specific skill or look for how you can earn a badge locally via Navigatr. 

Sign up to the UK Skills Pass to start applying for badges to showcase your skills right now.