
“We joined the Region of Learning so that it could help us recognise achievements and reward participants for their involvement in activities that would be missed in a more traditional model.

This is especially useful for some of the young people we support who are caught in that Catch 22 of needing experience to get a job, but not being able to get a job due to lack of experience.

Our badges, such as ‘Regular Attendee’ and ‘Project Participant’, are aligned to a Skills Framework that recognises the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values the earner has demonstrated to our staff team.  This will be a valuable tool in motivating the young people we support whilst instilling confidence and self-belief.”

Mairead Wright, Employability Skills and Enterprise Manager for Longhurst Group


“We’re delighted to be a part of the Region of Learning and particularly to be able to recognise, and certify, the progress of our young people through digital badges.  The emphasis of our supported lodgings initiative is not only to provide a safe place to stay but to proactively develop the skills, abilities, character and aspirations of the young people in order that they can build the foundations for a bright future.  With this in mind, our hosts and youth workers are readily on hand to support young people in a diverse range of areas; from cooking and budgeting to pursuing work experience and employment opportunities.  Digital badges allow us to formally recognise progress, and achievements, in each of these areas as well as enabling individual young people to develop an electronic portfolio of accomplishments that clearly demonstrates their commitment and progress and can be an invaluable resource when applying for future training and employment.”

Mike Farrington, Founder of Concrete Rose


“The WEA joined the Region of Learning to be able to issue students with the digital badges which will be an additional award for them after completing the courses. At the moment we developed badges for our Tenancy course and we are hoping to develop more for our other courses including Employability and Skills. We hope the badges will be recognised by the landlords in the area and that they will help young people move into independent accommodation and secure a tenancy”

Sandra Borchocka, Area Manager for WEA


‘Cambridge Festival is excited to join the Region of Learning platform, working with other providers in the area to present our offer for young people in a coherent and consistent way. Our first badges support our new Youth Collective, a programme created in partnership with University of Cambridge Museums. The Youth Collective will advocate for, and lead on, events for young people. We hope the badges will allow young people to recognise the high levels of independence, creativity and responsibility they will demonstrate and develop during the programme.’ 

Jenny Williams, Public Engagement and Festivals Coordinator, University of Cambridge